Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday Sports

Sunday Sports by Guest Blogger Aldo Mays
Guest post written by my buddy Aldo Mays
My husband loves sports. He was a college football player, and he has been in love with the game since he was a boy. We live in a very rural area, and my husband works in the agricultural business, managing a seed and feed store about twenty miles from our house.
We love where we live, as our children have acres to play on and explore, but one of the negatives of living in such a secluded area is that there are few internet providers who can service our home. It is not such a sacrifice that we have seriously considered moving closer to civilization. I love the scenery around our home, and you can see for miles across the acreage behind our house.
We recently purchased Wild Blue, which is satellite internet. My husband cannot live without knowing the scores of all the college and professional football games. He spends all day on Sundays looking up scores as the kids nap and I usually sew. I never understood his obsession with football, and I am not thrilled about feeding his addiction. However, I am glad that we found an internet provider that can help him entertain himself on the weekends.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ten Reasons to Know The College and Pro Football Schedules

Ten Reasons to Know The College and Pro Football Schedules 

Do you live in or near either a college football stadium or a NFL football stadium? Then check out my ten reasons why you need to know the football schedule for this particular location. Perhaps one of these reasons may apply to you. 

You will also see a plug for my four favorite sportswriters: Randy Moore (my husband), Danny Parker, Chris Price, and Maria M. Cornelius. 

Click FOOTBALL SCHEDULES to read the entire article on Sportales.com in their football section.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My publisher has lowered the prices on my books

Hi from Debbie Dunn aka DJ Lyons.

My publisher has lowered the prices on both of my books. I am so relieved.

Title: The Bell Witch Unveiled At Last! The True Story Of A Poltergeist by DJ Lyons (my pen name)

This book can be purchased in one of three formats.

(1) Softcover ISBN: 1-60474-477-4. September 2011 price is $15.95. Please visit ON-LINE BOOKSTORE - SOFT COVER to secure this price.

(2) Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4512-5090-9. September 2011 price is $9.95. Please visit ON-LINE BOOKSTORE - PAPERBACK to secure this price.

(3) Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4560-8752-4. September 2011 price is $7.95. Please visit ON-LINE BOOKSTORE - E BOOK to secure this price.

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Title: White Reindeer, Kudzu Monster, & Other Tales Of Wonder by DJ Lyons (my pen name)

This book can be purchased in one of two formats.

(1) Softcover ISBN: 978-1-4489-7603-4. September 2011 price is $12.95. Please visit ON-LINE BOOKSTORE - SOFT COVER to secure this price.

(2) Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4512-5089-3. September 2011 price is $9.95. Please visit ON-LINE BOOKSTORE - PAPERBACK to secure this price.

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For more information about either of my books, please visit my website of Ask DJ Lyons.com.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hawaii's Issues

This guest post is from Hong Alexander

Way out here in Hawaii, it’s hard to get all the channels I want to have at my disposal. For example, I’m really into basketball and it’s this time of year that I feel like I’m always missing out because my friends on the mainland are always talking about the big plays and such and I can’t even view the game! 

Recently I got some Honolulu WIRELESS INTERNET information about Clear and I think it’s finally going to solve my channel problem! From what I hear, I can now watch the games I want to see as they’re streamed online which is just as good as watching them on tv! That way, I can keep my laptop open at work and even keep tabs on my bracket while I’m getting real things done.

I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this before but I just can’t wait to get my Clear hooked up and get connected. It’s going to be great later, for sure, but I’m most excited about using it for March Madness!

The Big Bang Theory or 4 Geeks and Babe

Written by Don Gregory – a Guest Blogger

Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj, and Penny make up the cast of The Big Bang Theory on cable television Thursday nights on CBS. They are four scientists and an actress/waitress who lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard.

The main characters Sheldon and Leonard live together in a two bedroom apartment where Howard and Raj spent virtually every hour of their off time from work. All four work in the same complex but in different scientific fields. Sheldon is the super brain physicist who has absolutely zero social skill of any kind. He simply cannot relate to anyone who is not on the same intelligence level. Nor does he have any grasp of simple or common subjects. Leonard is the most normal, Howard is a no luck with women sex fiend, and Raj literally cannot speak if woman is even in the room.

When Penny who is from Arkansas or someplace in the mid west moved in, Leonard instantly fell in love. His efforts to woo his new love makes for funny script while the others--except for Sheldon--who are also smitten by Penny devalue his efforts.

During the progression of the show over the years Leonard and Penny did hook up for short but it finally ended. However they still have a deep seeded love for each other that will create some sexual tension from time to time. The boys combination of greatness and ineptness combined with Penny's down home style of normal living are a combination not often seen in true life. This is what makes The Big Bang Theory so funny.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Modern Wooden Swing Sets are a far cry from what I grew up with

Wooden Swing Sets are certainly a far cry from what I grew up with. I know that if I was a little kid in this day and age, I would have gloried in being able to play and dream on one of those wooden swing sets such as you see pictured on the top left. That would have been so much fun.

I know my two little nieces, one age 6 and one age 2 1/2, have a great time playing and exploring on swing sets very similar to the one you see in that picture. I visited with them this past fall. My younger brother, his wife, their two young daughters, and I went to a park where they had a very elaborate wooden swing set plus lots of other equipment. They had the best time playing on all of that. I know the girls would love it if they had something similar at home. So far, they do not. But happily, their next door neighbor has a swing set. Since their young son and daughter enjoy my two nieces, they often get the opportunity to make use of that equipment with great enjoyment.

When I was age 3 and 4, I can remember playing on a swing set such as you see in the lower picture. My parents had purchased one for us when we lived in Ohio. My brother was three years older. He enjoyed it some. I can remember playing on it with a little neighbor girl by the name of Lynn. She was 2 years younger than I was.

When I was 5 and 6, we moved to some apartments in Rochester, New York. They had a fenced-in playground nearby. They had a swing set and a wooden see saw, and a tall slide. I remember trying to use the see saw like a slide and getting splinters in my backside. My mother took me to the doctor to remove the splinters. That was not much fun! But playing on that big metal swing set and sliding down the huge slide was lots of fun.

When I was 7, we moved to the outskirts of Rochester. My folks built my mother's dream house in Pittsford. We only got to live there 2 years before my father was transferred from Kodak in Rochester to Tennessee Eastman Co. in Kingsport, Tennessee. I don't recall having a swing set then. I guess my folks felt I was too old. Plus, the elementary school that I attended was fairly close by. Additionally, there was a park not far from our house. I guess they figured that I could use the swing sets in either of those locations.

When I was going into the fourth grade, we moved to a house in Kingsport. My older brother was going into the 7th grade. My little brother was 7 months old. When he turned about 2 or 3, my folks purchased a metal swing set for him that they placed in our side yard. Even though I was 9, I still enjoyed swinging on that set every now and then. My little brother loved it as well.

My final memory is of swinging on one of those swing sets and trying to swing as high as the moon. I don't recall where we were living at the time. I simply recall the delight of seeing how high I could swing and the lovely dream of trying to pretend like I could fly and become airborne with this swing as my vehicle to get me there.

What are your swing set memories? Please feel free to share. Have a happy day and happy memories of past delights such as swinging and sliding and playing on equipment such as the ones pictured above.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Home Office Renovations Day 3

My home office in our log cabin is being completely re-done. On day 3 of the renovations, the two handymen tore out the rest of the floorboards. It had rained in the night; therefore, there was a lot of damness in the room. Before they headed off to their other job, they indicated they would purchase some heavy plastic to line the room with before laying down the new floor. They also found a pipe that leads to the outside that needs to be closed off. Additionally, they found some problems with some of the logs. This may prove to be a much bigger job than any of us originally anticipated. I think we are going to look like that Hoarders Show for a couple of weeks. The end result will be both beautiful and functional. It will be so worth it!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Office Renovations Day 2

My home office in our log cabin is being completely re-done. On day 2 of the renovations, the two handymen started to tear out the floor boards. They quickly discovered why the room bowed toward the center. Several of the logs holding up the floor were broken. They also realized that this job was going to take them longer than they originally expected. Sigh! In any case, I am so grateful and excited that I am going to get my dream home office.


Monday, January 31, 2011

Office Renovations Day 1

Check out the home office renovations going on. I am so excited to get my office re-done. This is day 1 of the renovations. This is just one of the pictures from this day.

To see the rest of the pictures and read all the descriptions, please visit my hub on Hubpages.com called Ask DJ Lyons: Office Renovations Day 1.


Office Renovations Before Look

Check out the home office renovations going on. I am so excited to get my office re-done.

To see the pictures and read the descriptions, please visit my hub on Hubpages.com called Ask DJ Lyons: Office Renovations Before Look.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Self Improvement Gifts 5 Offers 100s of FREE Personal Growth Related Products, Services & Memberships

I wanted to let you know today about a Self Improvement site that will allow you to download 100’s of self help gifts. And the best part is that it is absolutely FREE!

If you’ve had enough of plodding along year after year and you want to improve yourself to make 2011 your BEST ever year, then you need to go here: http://selfimprovementgifts5.com/go/18191

Self Improvement 5 will be open only for a VERY LIMITED TIME from January 6th to January 27th 2011. When you go there you’ll find a multitude of products – all FREE – provided by Self Improvement and Marketing experts from all over the world. Here is just a small sample of what you will find:

* How to Become an Advanced Early Riser - Steven Aitchison
* Turn Your Passsion into a book... - Warren Whitlock
* Total Wellness Guide - Craig Raphael
* COACHES: Create a 6-Figure Practice, Here's How! - Barb Wade
* Living the Rich Life - Julia Busch
* Achieve Your Dreams - Brenton Lindo
* I Have Value Meditation - Estra Roell
* Creative Visualization Mastey - Bruno Auger
* Wealthy You 2011 Vision Sheet - Nachhi Randhawa
* Find the Best Self Improvement Niches and More - Tuks Engineer
* Self Hypnosis Sessions At Home - Paul Mihai Pavel
* Wake Up to the Dream -  Eva Gregory
* And TONS (OVER 700+) MORE!

Get all of these and 100’s more here: http://selfimprovementgifts5.com/go/18191

The organizers of the event are Stephanie Mulac, Carolyn Hansen and Dr. Joe Rubino.

Just briefly, this is Stephanie’s 4th Self Improvement Giveaway. Stephanie started this style of event in 2006. It’s in the form of a “Giveaway” which is sort of like a giant electronic trade fair where 100’s of experts offer their products free to the public.

Because it has become so popular, this year Stephanie has enlisted the services of Carolyn Hansen, renowned fitness professional, and Self Exteem Expert, Dr. Joe Rubino.

You only have to walk into any book store in any country to see how popular the subjects of self improvement, self awareness and personal development are. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry churning out hundreds of new books, audios, CD’s and other paraphernalia every year.

These can be very expensive but at http://selfimprovementgifts5.com/go/18191 you can pick this information up completely FREE.

With 2011 upon us, what better time is there than right NOW to set yourself and your business up for future success? This event is a life-changing experience for those who take it.

Come and join Stephanie, Carolyn, Joe and me and see for yourself.

If you want to grab the largest collection of self improvement and internet marketing products you’ll find ANYWHERE – all FREE – then go to http://selfimprovementgifts5.com/go/18191 NOW and claim your bounty!