Friday, April 9, 2010

Info 101: What can the parents of the victim of bullying do?

Ask DJ Lyons about Bullying SIGN
The parents need to keep watch to see if there are unexplained bruises, your children suddenly lose their appetite, they may have increased appetite to make up for the lunch money that got stolen from them, their grades go down, they appear depressed, angry, or moody, and they suddenly strive to manufacture excuses to miss school. Of course, any of these could also by symptomatic of other maladies such as drinking or drugs. It is your job as a parent to play detective to find out what is causing these sudden changes in appearance and behavior. Additionally, make certain that your child understands that you are on his or her side. If you begin to suspect that he or she is being bullied, reinforce the idea that telling is not tattling when physical and emotional harm is taking place.

Click BE BULLY FREE to read the entire article on

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